Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Growing 0.16 cm - It's YUMMY-licious!

Home cooked food on the way~

Had been eating outside food for the too long...

Consequences: Having a great time pushing my feces out like a pregnant woman

Plans to overcome it: Homecooked food with extra fibers a.k.a vegetables added

Person to execute the cooking mission: Ho Pei Fen and Chin Yin Yien.

End result:

Glorious food glorious! Not too salty, not too bitter, not too sweet. Everything's just fine.

The half naked guest of the day~

The happy family gobbling up the food~

Conclusion: Had a nice dinner with my family..=) Had a nice chat with all of them. Laughed hard.

Oh, I had a smooth business the next day after consuming the extra fibers.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Growing 0.16 cm - Dinner's on the way!!

Gonna cook to my other coursemates for the first time...

Never cooked for them before...

Felt rather nervous...

Hope it's not too salty or sweet or even BITTER!


God bless me...
