Tuesday, April 12, 2011
#2 Loathing in process... ...
It was then when I started to think about purchasing a house or even my own car. At a young age like this and with no stable income, how could I afford all of these?
Multilevel marketing could be the solution or opening up a conventional business? It seems like that's the only way you could get the hell out of the working environment which sometimes can be bitter or sweet depending on situations.
Future is rather bleak for me here.
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Frustration often strikes whenever I ask myself now and then, "Why am I here for in the first place?", "Am I even qualified to be here?", "Why do I feel ignored or alienated" etc. Such feelings grow day by day. I wonder I could contain them how much longer?
I have done my best to review and to absorb day by day the knowledge that I lack of but reviewing won't do me any good. I really need practices to know where my weakness is.
In the midst of being busy, am I really that kind of person who is not worth to be concerned of or do I look like a greedy person to you? I admit that what I have chosen is for my own benefit but I did put my very best effort to study about.
Mind you, I did not take it just because I'm going to gobble up the money that you have. I just want to do something that I find interesting. If I do it well, you will also get benefit. One thing for sure, I need to write something to impress you.
Sheesh, sounds like I'm begging for mercy.
Pride aside, I really hope to do something instead of sitting ogling at people and staring at words without talking to people. It's making me going back to my own shell like I used to be. I want to be the outspoken one in Uni once more.
I thought I was growing but instead it seems that I'm shrinking... ...
I'm being more pessimistic... ...
Gah! Almighty one, please save me!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
#1 Major boredom strikes!
I’ve changed my blog and post title because they sounded corny, now that I just realized it.
Another reason is that I’ve been strike by major boredom and I’m currently suffering from a disease called, “lack-of-socialization”. I could count how many words or sentence that I’ve uttered for the past few weeks. I seriously need a good chat with anyone at all, including aliens! I’ve approached some of them but it seems like either they are too shy or they are too engrossed in their work.
A major crackdown!
I fully understand that I’ve chosen this job on my own free will and I shall take full responsibility of it instead of complaining. I never knew that this job would be so unproductive and de-socializing. I’m the type of person if given any tasks to be fulfilled; I’ll gladly do it with no complaints.
In other words, I want to be busy! Give me work and I’ll shut my mouth. Period.
Maybe I should think about approaching my boss to give me some work. Do you think he/she will entertain me? Think otherwise, if you are a person with a packed schedule, would you even entertain a lowly fella who seeks for more work and responsibilities to be appointed?
I wonder.
I could have done some extensive reading or maybe prepare some necessary documents needed for my admission as an employee. I’ll let you into my shoes then. How does it feel when you have to read non-stop every single working hour? Unless you’re a typical book-lover, then it’s my bad.
Heck! I’m on the verge of nerve-breaking. Should I leave or should I make the bold move of complaining?
Help me, Almighty one! T.T
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Growing 0.25 cm - Ushering the new year
Come to think of it, what have I achieved in year 2010? I don't think it was really that significant at all. The only thing I can think of I have graduated from UTAR. That's all, I guess.
Maybe I should have kept a diary for myself and start jotting down every single thing that happens in my life. In other words, I should appreciate every moment.
Yeah! That will be my new year resolution. Pen down every single moment of my life; be it good or bad.
Yes! So be it!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
growing 0.24cm - Tired...
Really tired...
Exhausted till the max...
I give up...
I really give up...
This accumulated feelings...
It doesn't really matter anymore...
Though it's unbearable at times...
I need to stay firm...
Coz if this continues, I noe the cycle will begin again...
I tried to stop it...
But it seems to keep rolling...
I had to stop it...
Stop it from moving further...
It all stops here...
It's time to change my gear...
To another whole new phase...
It'll be hard, I know...
But the world is so big, I have many more things to accomplish...
I have to keep smiling... ... =]
Friday, June 25, 2010
growing 0.23 cm - When people do not appreciate...
I mean I've prepared all the things ready to serve you...
I need to take up my time to serve you....
But I'm doing it willingly...
But a mere few hours will make you pissed off...
And I said I would come right now to serve you...
Don't you see my sincerity is there?
And you don't care to ask WHY i was that late...
and NOW you throw tantrums on me...
and you use harsh words on me...
Since when I use harsh words on you...
Can you be more rationale because I'm not your husband or boyfriend!!!
Now, you tagged my photo on the facebook, you want the whole world to know that I'm the villain, and you're the victim?
And yet you said nothing about your boyfriend!!!
What the heck, I feel like I'm being UTILIZED again to serve you...
And one more thing, if you think I should understand you, do you understand me in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Growing 0.22 cm - In Ipoh, In KL, In Kampar
Can feel the toxic in my body sapping out my energy...Reason?Hung out with friends in Ipoh, then in KL, then in Kampar again...Sorry, no pics in Ipoh cuz at that time, my battery became a traitor and left camera-less throughout the whole trip...Bah~~
In KL, attended career fair in Mid Valley to find some jawapan for my future and then hung out and makan makan with kawan-kawan...
Kawan punya B'day
B (girl): "Ahh~ Don't touch my face~!"
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Growing 0.21 cm - War Zone?
The whole world gonna crumble within seconds!!!
All human race, please run from your life!!
Kaboooooom! And the world ended...
And such is the world as it is, right now.
And of course there are those who are so called the "peace-lovers" of the world who will stand up and demand for peace.
If peace were THAT easy to obtain, humans can start living their lives every single day SMILING!
Peace, in a sense, is used to balance violence.
The same theory goes for ying and yang and bla bla bla...there goes the loooong history back then.
So, we still need this peace loving people around la...
Though sometimes their effort is a waste of time, but at least it balances violence before the whole human race is wiped out by violence.
The question is, if there such thing as integrity or any how-to-be-a-civic-minded person courses going around, why are there so much back-stabbing la, cursing la, revenge la, gossiping la and whatever evil things?
Reason is?
Simple, they choose to be like that...
Or you can say, it's human nature to be like that...
And because of this, the so called war zone happens quite frequently in communities or even in a small group of homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens, for your info, live in herds. So, naturally, you'll have this evil thing lurking around.
So for those weak ones, they'll kena the venom of the evil ones.
And there goes again, the war zone!!! Piew Piew Piew~~~!!!
And then until there's one person that cannot tahan already, he/she will unleash the final bomb..and most probably the scariest bomb ever, NUCLEAR BOMB!
Finally, KABOOOM! and every one dies...
But meh, nowadays people have improved in their technology. So even if one nuclear bomb is released, they'll have anti-nuclear weapons. And when it's their turn, they will unleash their nuclear bomb as well.
Heh.. ..
And then, there comes anti-nuclear team coming over to promote peace amongst these homo sapiens.
Some of them sudah sedar...and they became friends again...
However, there somewhere in the corner of the brain of homo sapiens, contains a little amount of evilness..maybe in mg or microgram..
As time passes by...the evilness grow again...
At last, you can build a tent outside to see many "mushrooms" blooming here and there while seeping your afternoon tea...
Of course, it's better not to stay too long unless you want to get mutated.
You see, what I'm trying to say is that,
"Can Human Attain Such Purity?"
Translation: Can human be sooooo civic-minded??? until you can even smile to your enemies? I mean REAL smiles.
Phew...I guess I'm too random at times. Anyways, homo sapiens are animals if you say we sudah civilised...i don't think so, coz we're all still babarians.
The end...
p/s: This fiction above is also written by a homo sapien because he also babarian ma, so he's sharing the babarian story lo..
No offense because this homo sapien already told u this post is a fiction story only.