Friday, September 14, 2007

Not abandoned but on a hiatus period..that's all!!

After I've received a comment from someone who "accused" me of abandoning my new bloggie, I'll have to tell you that I'm having my hands full with my finals now. So, being so frustrated and tortured (by loads of lecture notes and tutorials), I've got no mood to post anything lar. Furthermore, people seldom read my blog. Short of a few posts in a few months or maybe a year won't do me any harm lar..ish!!

Period.. ..

Anyway, I've found some interesting thing in my lecture notes. So, I've thought of sharing it with you guys.

Here goes:

>>I was looking for a parking space at Bangsar when suddenly there's a knock on the mirror.

>>'Encik ah...tanya sikit ah..itu chimpeng mana ah..?
>>'Chimpeng, chimpeng...saya sudah tanya itu guard ah.. dia cakap sini ada satu chimpeng..'
>>'Sorrylah, apek. Saya tak tau woh..Apa tempat itu chimpeng?'
>>'Aiyah...itu chimpeng balu punya lo..Saya mau pigi angkat wang la...'
>>'Tarak tau la boss. Itu kedai ke apa?Along ka?'
>>'Chimpeng bukan kedai itu pun tak tau ah..? Itu chimpeng macam itu Maypeng, Pubic Peng, RhetB Peng..itu balu punya peng..' get what the apek wanna say?!

Do you want to know d ans??

Wanna know or not??

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Not telling you...
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Ok lar..

it's CIMB Bank...Pity the apek lar..he doesn't know how to speak proper malay mar...sighs..

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