Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh my Lord! I kena tagged! 0.0
Oh well, since I'm that free sitting at home selling char siew pao, I don't really mind to answer them. XD
Question 1.
Do you like anyone?
Considering my age, I should have like someone by now or even more so, love someone. But till now, my childishness at times has cause much trouble than I expected. Girls hate these type of guys, agree?
In short, being single is still the best. Cheers~! :D
Question 2
Do they know it?
Hello~ I told you I tak de orang yang disukai la. Maybe I'm a gay. "gasps" Oh well, as long as my conscious is clear, I won't get my butt hooked by another guy.
Question 3
Simple or complicated?
Oh bi gawd! How long am I suppose to answer this sort of questions? Neither simple nor complicated. I'm basically free of anything. No love, no like! Gosh, I never knew my life would be that boring. o.O
Question 4
Bought something?
Yes, I bought a red spandex for myself. Reason? To attract more girls. Cheers~!
Question 5
Gotten sick?
Being a chinese, I should say, "Choy, simply curse people!" But, being a modern citizen, I would say, "Oh, I'm fit and healthy. Thank you for asking!" Still, why do u ask whether or not that person is sick!
Question 6
Been hugged?
Never ever. Oh, I did hugged myself. Besides, who wanna hugged a big water buffalo like me? You said you don't mind? Come hug me! I 'm desperate of hugs. :D
Question 7
Felt stupid?
=.= I feel stupid answering these questions. That's all!
Question 8
Talked to an ex?
When someone have no ex, whom shall he/she talk to. To the wall?
Question 9
Missed someone?
Now, I think no. If there is anything that I missed dearly, that would be my home. :D
10. Failed a test?
So far so good. I once failed in my chinese spelling test during my primary years. I got a total 0. I cried bitterly as I await the canning from my mom. I begged and begged her to forgive her but still I got whacked. Dramatic, eh?
11. Danced?
Yep but I sux at it. I danced like a robot while the others danced like a pair of graceful swans. "Frowns"
12. Gotten your hair cut?
Ya. I tried to keep my hair long but...my head sweats like hair coz my hair is growing tremendously fast. My scalp is itching too. =.= I hope I don't have any fleas lurking around in my hair.
13. Lied?
Of course. Be realistic, if you want to get yourself out of the hot water, you have to lie to save your butt. Trust me, being too honest at times kills you.
14. Nervous habits?
Oh come on, even the greatest TV host, Oprah Winfrey has this stage fright. What more to say me, standing in front of the crowds or meeting "great and almighty" people? 0.O
15. Are you double jointed?
Sorry, your english is too deep. I tarak paham. But for the sake of courtesy, I would say no.
16. Can you raise one eyebrow?
If THE ROCK can do it, why couldn't me? For those who can't, practice makes perfect. It's super easy to do.
17. Can you cross your eyes?
What kind of dumb questions is this? Of course, I can!
18. Do you make your bed daily?
By the time I wake up, it's time for school. So, who bothers that much! Even if it's holiday, I'd rather go play my game. After all, it's your bed. You can do what you like! "Ahem"
19. Do you think you are unique?
Unique? Do you call a person like me who likes pink ranger unique? Anyways, I think so, coz God created each and everyone of us uniquely, so I think I'm unique!
20. Said " I Love You" ?
Ya, to my cat and dog. Fair enough? o.O
21.. Given money to a homeless person?
Hmm, talk about donation. I seldom do that. Wait a sec, don't labelled me as heartless person or whatever it is. I don't simply give donations coz whenever I saw a homeless person with perfect limbs, I will get rather annoyed by their begging. Come on la, go find some work la. Even helping the restaurant wash plates will also earn u a living!
22. Smoked?
I hate to smoke and I don't like smokers as well. Banned smoking. And one more thing (though a bit out of context), I hate inconsiderate smokers! Buzz off, you smokers!
23. Waited all night for a phone call?
There's nothing more idiotic to wait for a stupid phone call! Just call to that person and case closed! Save your time coz time is money.
24. Snuck out?
Never. I haven't got my bloody car liscense yet. Even if I snuck out, I have to wait for the bloody old bus to get me to the destination I want.
25. Sat and looked at the stars?
I tried before but only for a while. Seeing stars blink make my eyes blink as well. I only admire stars when I feel lonely.
26. Do you swear/curse?
In the name of religion, I would say no. Still, most normal people like me will start cursing people if he/she get on my nerves. I'm "unholy"! XD As for swearing, nah, I seldom do that.
27. Do you ever spit?
Spitting is uncivilised. It's the same as digging your nose or butt when it's itchy in front of the public.
28. You cook your own food?
To survive, yes. When mom's at home, it's my time to play my favourite video games. ;D
29. You do your own chores?
Again, when mom's at home, I seek pleasure. (Ahem, don't think too far!) When forced, I sulked and have to obey mom's orders. Sighs, what to do.
30. You like beef jerky?
Hmm, no~ I love beef steak though. Pai seh, lim pei chin chai answer coz your english too deep. Somemore lim pei lazy to find dictionary.
31. You're happy with your life?
I'm between happy and miserable. So i guess i'm normal with my life. Not too happy, not too miserable, not too shabby. :D
32. You own a dog?
Mom hates dog but I love dog. I want a dog but mom banned me. Anyone giving me a puppy as a christmas present? T-T
33. You spend your money wisely?
Yes and no. Yes while I'm in the brink of bancruptcy. =.= No, when I got my ptptn loan. Oh yes, it's time to shave a big hole in my pocket. XD
34. Do you like to swim?
I sink like a rock. Get it?
35. When you get bored do you call a friend?
"Harlo, ah li arr, I so boring now. Can come over and eat pork?" Nah, I would never bother my friends that much unless I have something to do with them like go watch movie. Ain't I an angel to you, my friends? Wakaka!
36. Flowers or Angels?
Angels are much prettier than flowers, no?
37. Grey or Black?
Black looks cool, grey looks old. So, I choose black.
38. Color or Black and White photos?
I am not any sorts of backwater island kid. And mind you, we are living in the 21st century (correct me if i'm wrong), of course we go for colour la!
39. Lust or Love?
When you get horny, it's lust more than love. When you get in love, it's love more than lust. So I can't really make a choice here since both are dependent of each other. Dun understand? Forget it~ =.=
40. Sunrise or Sunset?
I like surise. It marks the beginning of the day. Time to full speed ahead. :D
41. M&Ms or Skittles?
zzzz...chocolates, eh? I dun like both. Guess what, heard that this kind of brands have gone through animal test when they are producing the chocolates. So whoever who eats it, they are the killer. Muahaha!
42. Staying up late or Waking up early?
Yo, man! The night is still young! I choose to stay up late~
43. Being Hot or Cold?
Lukewarm. Not answering the question? Bah, it's my choice to answer like that. Cheers!
44. Winter or Fall?
Winter. Coz I never see snowflakes before.
45. Left or Right?
Right lo~ Honestly, I dun really understand what's the purpose of this question being asked. Be specific la~
46. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?
Aiyo, why use so long and deep words. Say friends then enuf liao ma! I have 10 friends but 1 best friend. God is my best friend! Cheers!
47. Been dumped?
... ... Lazy to answer... ... Please refer to the answer above for more info...
48. Stolen money from a friend?
Stealing is lying. That's how I feel. So, no!
49. Been in a fist fight?
Why fight with fist while you can fight with your mouth. To the uncivilised, try using your mouth for a change. The answer is no!
50. Snuck out of your house?
Hey, I wonder whose the author of all these questions!!! It's getting freakingly redundant~ WTH
51. Had a crush on a teacher?
Oh bi gawd, I'm gonna whack this author for good. First you ask me I have a person that I like, then I said no. Now, you asked me whether I had crush on a teacher. Oh come on, the answer is obvious la! Geez!
52. Seen someone die?
You! Been whacked by me for all these dumb questions! Muahaha!
53. Been on an airplane?
I sat almost a gazillion times already. I'm not showing off or anything. You don't expect me to sit on ferry across south china sea just to go perak to study~ =.=
54. Slept all day?
I do hibernate but seldom. Mom said sleep more, die faster. ;D
55. Missed someone so much it hurt?
I missed my ass so much that it hurts. =.=
56. Fallen asleep during school?
When the lectures get boring, freakin YES!
57. Been lonely?
If not, why am I answering your dumb questions! (note: to the author, not to the one who tagged me. ;D)
58. Cheated in a game?
Of coz la. I dun want to waste my time trying and trying..cheating is the easiest~!
59. Been to the ER?
Ok la, I call u dumb and now u curse me to visit ER. zzz...I hate you~!
60. Been in a car accident?
Zzz..you know what, you are freakinly kay po! I'm learning driving now and now you ask me got or not? How am I going to answer you.
Still, I'd answer a YES for the sake of courtesy.
61. Had detention?
No, I'm a good boy. :D
62. Missed your first love?
zzz...dun want to answer liao~
63. Cried yourself to sleep?
No. I laughed myself to sleep. True, you have to be happy before you sleep so that you won't have nightmares.
64. Sung in the shower?
Lalalala, it's a joy to shake your butt and balls in the shower. So, yeah!
65. Kissed a complete stranger?
No. If there is, the first thing I'll do is kiss her back. If it's a he, heh heh, I'm gonna "cucumber" him! Ahem, in other words, I'm gonna drag him to a police for ghey molest.
66. Laughed so hard you cried?
Yapz. Laughing=adrenaline=happiness..:D
67. Cheated on a bf/gf?
Even if there is, it's non of your business. Butt off!
68. Regretted hurting someone?
Yes, I'll say sorry with puppy eyes. Yeah, that's how to say sorry more effectively. XD
69. Regretted loving someone?
70. I Tag :Daniel Yong Yew Rong, Dr. Dorae-ong, Pooi Ting, Eichi, Ah Xian Xian, Kah Yee, and of course my bro, mike, thats all.
p/s: be patient when u answer these freaking questions. I almost threw my keyboard away~ :D
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Acceleration pedal + inexperience = weee~~ =.=
A few cases nearly get me and my sifu lost our souls and sometimes my sifu can go like this ~ "o.O"
Case 1:
When you start to turn at a junction, you should looked at the curb and estimate for yourself.
As for me:
1. I always turned to soon till half way almost hit the curb. zZZzz
2. I stepped on the acceleration and turned straight. I couldn't care less to step on the crush pedal. The whole car just turned as if I was drifting~ =.= All the things dropped side ways.. Btw, I did that with a straight face. o.O
Case 2:
When you drive your car up a hill and stopped, you should pull up your hand brake, release your brake pedal, step on the acceleration pedal ( muz step really hard...), release your crush a little. Then, when you car start to tremble a little, release your hand brake while keep on pressing on the acceleration pedal to move down the hill.
As for me:
1. Once I stopped at the hill, I happily pull up the hand brake..but alas, my car went downhill instead. =.= Sifu keep on asking me to brake but I still keep on accelerating. ZzzZZ
2. Driving from my house to the driving institute, I forgot to change my gear to 1 (i use gear 3 to drive up the hill..=.=) and the car was like going up the hill and down the hill like a zillion times. Up and down. Up and down. Even the aunty at the back waiting for her turn also got "pek chek". (annoyed) Got lectured slightly by sifu.
Case 3: Parking should be a perfect one. Thou shall not hit the "tiangs". Once hit, the intructor will kiss your ass goodbye.
As for me:
Parking was rather easy for me. The only thing that I really hate is turning the steering wheel. It's freakingly hard. Trust me, doing this a few times made me sweat like hell.
Still...for the last time of parking, I miserably knocked down one tiang. Sifu was like "o.O"
Too overconfident, eh?
Case 4: When driving on the road, when you see the vehicles in front have started to brake, thou shall brake too.
As for me:
I happily accelerate my vehicle thinking to go faster than 60kmph.
Sifu, " Can brake leh. The car in front stop d"
Me, " Ok."
Still, I stepped on the acceleration pedal.
Sifu, "OMG" he then stepped on the brake pedal himself.
The end. =.=
Case 5: When go down hill, thou shall apply brake pedal.
As for me:
I just don't know why I like the acceleration pedal. =.='''' The car went crazy..speeding like hell. It was a rather "fabulous" roller coaster ride. But..got lectured by sifu at the end.
Ta da~~ this is part of my driving experience.
Yesh, tomorrow will be on-the-road practice. I hope I do well.
p/s: Sifu, please bear with me. Your disciple is a slow learner.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I see shades of pink~ and random stuff...O.o
Filled with gratefulness, I came down from my dad's car after he picked me up from the airport. Without hesitation, I ran as fast as I could to the toilet to meet my favourite toilet bowl. I wanted to hug "it" so dearly coz I haven see "it" for months. I love you, toilet bowl. There's no other toilet bowl that is greater and useful than you.
While I was ready to pull down my pants and let my my motion passed on my favourite toilet bowl, to my horror, I see shades of pink...
I rubbed my eyes.. ..
Oh my gracious mama,
yes..I admit I forced my mom to buy a pink power ranger for me when I was still a kid. But forget about that, I'm a 19 year old young adult now...zZZZzz. A kid can have strange taste ma~
I asked my mom about it and she told me it's bloody expensive than a usual mop. The quality is better.
Thus end the story of meeting Mr. Pink.
Anyways, welcome to our home Mr. Pink.
Back to some random stuff.
I promised for some updates.
So, I'll share something nice with you.
The glorious food that I ate at Kampar, Perak~
Rating: 3 stars
Rating: 2 stars
Rating: 5 stars
That's all for the food section.
I have lots of food pictures that I've taken during my study days in kampar. But, I've transfered it to my friend's computer and I've deleted them in my brother's camera.
Another random stuff:
I hereby would like to offer my apology to mua friends especially Daniel.
Sorry for not informing when I will be coming back to Kuching.
Sorry for the times that I did not go visit you guys when I was back in Kuching.
However, I have a few reasons (not excuses):
1. I do not have any sorts of transportation. Let alone my brother's bicycle, I would perish in the middle of the road if I cycle to meet you all, my friends.
2. Whenever I had my holidays, you guys are schooling or having exams. Oh, do not get me wrong. I do not mean to blame your exams, you or your school. I just do not want to be a pest asking you guys out and be the "driver" driving me around Kuching. I felt bad, ya know. Furthermore, some of you are having STPM now, it's future we are talking at.
So, mua friends, if it is possible, tell me when you are free (I mean really free, no exams, no nothing. XD), we can go hang out anytime. I will be here for three months till next year.
Cheers~ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Saturday, October 11, 2008
zomfg!!! Lousy internet connection!~
Lol~ To make this blog of mine awaken again~
Got a lot of stuff to blog about~
But, in the name of lazy, I'm not doing it right now~XD
Forced myself to blog now but to no avail...
Which I hate it~
Have to sleep early~
Coz tomorrow have to learn driving.
Hope I can get the clutch, brake, gear and so on correct~
Coz I know I already kinda annoyed my sifu...
But he still very patient~
I hope your patience will last..
Please don give up on me, sifu~
zzz..I'm a slow learner~
Friday, September 26, 2008
Never miss a flight...T-T
Or even change your flight ticket unnecessarily.
You know why?
You'll get you butt spanked real hard. You'll get a big hole burnt in your pocket.
Trust me.
My original flight was originally 28th Sept. 2008. Since my examinations ended earlier on 19th Sept., I planned to go back to Kuching earlier. So, happily I went to MAS office in KL Central to change my ticket.
It is a government three-year passage ticket. So, changing of flights are totally free.
Guess what? I got it all wrong!
I had to pay RM120 again to change the flight to an early one, 8.15 am. Argh!
Well, at first, I thought it was for the sake of going back to my long-lost hometown, so I don't really mind until I got a call from my dad.
Dad: Aiyoo, why you pay so much! Changing flights free one! No need pay la!
Me: Har? Got such policy meh?
Dad: Aiyoo, I say no means no lar!
... ...
After a while later, my phone rang.
Officer: Encik, sorry for the RM 120. You only have to pay RM 60. So can you please claim back your RM 60?
What the hell! MAS ar, why can't you check the ticket first before you charged people.
Fine, I reached the office again and got my RM 60 back.
Me: Kak, i thought it's RM 120 that I'm supposed to claim?
Officer: Oh, that's for the processing fee.
Anyways, finally changed my ticket and I'm happy with it despite all the trouble that I have to go through.
I told you my flight is 8.15 am, right? I woke up only at 6am. Instead, I should woke up earlier than that!!!!
Coz the ignorant me did not know that I need to check in 2 hours before departure!!!!!
What's worst! I forgot to take my air-ticket and I had to return all the way to my house to pick up my ticket.
By then, it's already 7.30 am when I reached KL central!
With loads of baggage, I ran as fast as I could to check-in counter. No one helped me with baggage except one kind auntie and my brother (he helped carried halfway coz he parked at the taxi's parking slot)
Reached the counter and gave the ticket to the officer. Guess what, while he was checking the ticket halfway, he laughed and tell his colleague that the counter is closed long beforehand.
What the toot are you laughing at! I was really annoyed that time. Why don't tell me, kenapa you tell your colleague. (You know what kind of people will do that. I don't want to discriminate people!)
Bloody hell!
Annoyed and NOW, nervous! coz the KLIA express leaving from Kl central to KLIA is 7.30 am and it takes 28 minutes to reach there.
I'm way behind the schedule now.... T-T
Being slightly positive-minded, I boarded the train as usual to KLIA at 7.45 pm. Got multiple calls from my parents. They told me to go try out the waiting list as well as to book a new flight once I reached KLIA.
Extremely depressed as well as a little angry at the unhelpful people and that bastard officer!
Reached KLIA.
Went to ticketing counter and now, I got the freakin' penalty of RM100 for missing the flight.
Miss flight also kena hukum. Toot la!
I told the lady there to change my flight to the last flight on 27 of Sept., 10.15 am as well as put me on the waiting list so that I can board any plane if there are any last minute of of cancellation of flight on that time or any passengers who did not board the flight.
Got my coupon from the lady and she said I could use this to exchange the ticket on 27 Sept.
On the other hand, got a real bad news from the lady as well, my CNY ticket has been canceled off by the agency who gives out the government ticket. (Grr, now I can't board my flight back to my hometown for relaxing 3 months, don't tell me I can't go back to get my ang pows and eat my bak kua next yr!) Luckily, she helped "re-booked" the ticket.
Reached the standby- counter to register myself in the waiting list and AGAIN, I met a freakin officer who lectured me.
Officer: You shouldn't have miss the flight la~!
Me: I know. (Sudah annoyed, mau tambah annoyed lagi!)
Officer: You know all the flights are fully booked. Then why you miss again! (Then speaks in Malay) Sudah booked ticket, buat ape nak waiting list.
Me: (Wa lao eh!!!!! Chao ah kua!) I know! Then, I'll have to depend on my luck! (Forcing myself to smile)
Waited there in front of the counter for a few flights till I gave up.
Wanted to stay at the airport for one night to await for the 10.15pm flight in the first place (the express cost me RM35!) but on second thought, staying in the airport without internet will somehow cause my brain cells to freeze.
So again, I paid RM 35 (heart breaks) to go down to KL.
Back to KL and back AGAIN to my bro's condo.
Again, back to KL central to deal with my CNY ticket. It was on the database. Great! Heaved sighs of relieve.
Back to Bro's condo. I started to worry about the 10.15 pm flight coz that lady didn't give me any ticket reference number. So, I called the MAS hotline.
They said they see no WONG KIING FOOK CLEMENT in their database!!
I argued with the person-in-charge. Somehow, I couldn't stand anymore. I just blast everything on the kesian fella until he said that someone has canceled his flight at 4.30 pm.
Oh my gawd, my heart suddenly grow wings and can fly now (dunno correct usage or not..). It's not as heavy as it was before.
Then, he gave the reference number to retrieve my ticket from KL central.
So, for the last time, I went to KL central again...
Finally, got my ticket issue solved...
argh! A darn painful experience.
And I think the miss-es in the Kl ticketing counter had already known this crazy boy who ran back and forth from the MAS office. Each I came in, they had the face of "what?! This kid again?! What's wrong with him!"
I regretted changing the ticket. Coz my money juz flew off like that.
3 times KLIA express - RM 35 x 3 = RM 105
Freakin' ticket processing fee = RM 60
Freakin' taxi for going back to my bro's condo and to kl central = RM 18
Public Bus fare to KL central= RM 4
Freakin' penalty for missing the flight = RM 100
Freakin' baggage overloaded fee = RM 180
Total = RM 467
Seeing this amount, I HATE myself now. T-T
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tolerating others... ...
Which it's somehow miraculous for me to actually have the mood to babble.. ..
Feel somehow happy coz it's Friday... ...weee~~
Back to topic.. ..
Living for half a year in Kampar now really taught me a lot of stuffs aside of how-not-to-step-on cow's-shyt. Living with my friends somehow help me build up my tolerance and my EQ.
However, tolerating your friends or your coursemates means you have to suffer excruciating pain. Where? Especially your heart... ...the feeling of anger starts to build up in your heart till you want to whack that person right now... ...
but... ...I'm not that eager to do so at times... ...
Maybe I'm just too kind-hearted... ...
weird, huh?
Reason is, I don't wanna create unwanted quarrel..Plus, it takes up your energy and time to begin and end a quarrel... ...After all, I am going to see my friends in the campus for another 2 years.
Tolerate + No quarrel = Peace... ...
From another perspective, tolerating too much might not be a good thing... ...First, free oxygen radicals will build up when you are in stress or in anger which, in long run, will affect your body's health... ...
Second, people will tend to BULLY and FULLY UTILIZED you if you keep quiet all the times. People might think you are easily manipulated. In other words, YOU BAGAIKAN ALAT UNTUK DIGUNA TANPA U SEDARI because you are just too BENDUL LURUS. (Translation: straight)
I tried the second option before...by being cold to them. To tell you the truth, I have mixed feelings. I felt bad when I treat them that way. On the other hand, I'm feeling extremely angry and disappointed with that person since I trust him/her sooo much.
Back stabbed or rather feel being cheated... ...
Should I continue to tolerate? Or voice out anything that I don't feel right or fair to me?
Confuse... ...
Help? Anyone? X_X
Monday, July 21, 2008
Loathing myself.. ..
vowed many times that i will update my blog but failed...due to:
1. Loads of never-ending lab reports to be done
2. Loads of assignments piling up non-stop
3. Student's Representative Committee Stuff - which I think it's rather troublesome..X_X
4. Club and Societies...
well, because of this, I've got no time to practice my precious violin, read my favourite manga or even play my maple story.... ....
If I were given a chance, I would wanna drop option 3. You know why? It's because it's taking too much of my time and energy. This thing occupies too much of my study time and I feel like I'm dropping behind from my studies. Oh man~ I wanna focus on my studies like when I was in secondary school, foundation or even my Year 1 Sem 1 in the university. How I miss the days where I can study whenever I want, do a few proposals, minutes or agendas, have a few short club meetings than sitting there feeling tension whenever there is a SRC meeting.
I want this to end ASAP. I'll hope this semester ends fast cause I wanna have a long, relaxing three months holiday without SRC... ...
But... ...there's one more semester for you to survive... ...
Argh~ I pray hard that my new sem in Year 2 will end as fast as possible cause I wanna hand over my post to someone else already...By then, I shall laugh out loud! Hahahaha! No more SRC, bye bye SRC!! I really hope that day comes!
It's impossible~! T_T
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
No title... ...
Maybe I really need to complain.
It's been four days already since I last came down from Kampar to K.L. and I'm still not in the mood to study. I want to transform myself back into the nerdy clement... ...The feeling of not being able to study normally is giving me some sort of stress...
It feels like you have nothing to do the whole day and always giving yourself excuses that there'll always be tomorrow. So, sit back and relax the whole day scratching here and there, watching tv shows, chatting on the MSN, updating my blog (which is very rare thing for me to do) and surfing the net to look for more classical music. Ah, it feels like school holiday. I hate that feeling during the study week.
I was thinking that I would study better once I returned to K.L. but the results are still the same. I'm still having this relaxing lifestyle like I'm still in Kampar. To makes things worst, I'm feeling empty now because the whole house (my brother's rented condo) seem to be so quiet in the mornings, afternoon and even evening. I know I like a quiet environment to study but staying at home alone for the whole week makes me grow mushrooms.
Ah well~ All I need to do now is to force myself to study even if I don't want to. I don't want to hurt my butt during the exams! Yeah, after all, it's for a few weeks that I need to struggle. So, what's the big deal!
... ...Typical Ramblings of An University Student... ...
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Don't get fooled~

Very very disheartening...
I was so hoping to grab so really great books to boost up my maturity so as to look non-child like as well as able to think and act rationally rather than riding a tricycle along the streets of kampar like a little fat ass clown shouting and laughing "wakakakaka!" ... ...
I'm complaining all this since it involves the public. Even if there are international books being sold but they have leave early perhaps because people don't seem to read "ang moh" books, but at least put up a notice when they will be leaving. At least, people can save up the petrol, time and money to go somewhere else even syoking than to stuck in the jam and sandwiched in the bustling crowd. It's really tiring!! To makes things more frustrated, I only see Malay books every hall I entered. Look, I'm not discriminating but I just want to point out that if you want to hold a book fair solely for malay and Islamic books, it is important that you state that in the banner... ... Don't cause confusion in the public... ...
p/s: The moral of the lesson is, do not be fooled by the words. Even it's written with something like, sangat lazat..it can turned to be sangat zatla..sounds like jiat lat~~~XD (syok sendiri)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Mozart Oboe Concerto
This is one the scene in Nodame Cantabile. Listen to the oboe been played. The tune sounds marvelous. You will immediately feel yourself in a fairy land. The whole orchestra will somehow made you blush with shades of pink. Really! If you listen to this piece wholeheartedly, it can make your bad day to be turned into a wonderful day~!
of strings, bows, timpani, woodwinds, and piano...
All this music thingy came about when I first watched the japanese drama series, Nodame Cantabile. It's a great musical drama masterpiece, I can assure you of that. Well, it's not like high school musical where they jump and sing all day long even in the golf field... ...=_=" No offense, ya! I just felt that the whole movie feels like American version of bollywood... ...
Back to topic... ...
By the way, spoilers ahead.....

The one on your left holding a conductor's baton is chiaki shinichi while the girl beside him is nodame. The far left is the violinist, Miki Kiyora along with Mine Ryuutaro a violinist too beside her. The one with the afro head standing behind chiaki is the timpanist, Masumi and the one holding a kontrabass is Saku Sakura. Standing beside nodame is the soprano, Saiko with the useless guy standing on the far right is another conductor, Ookochi Mamoru.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Another update on kampar....
Crap! When I want to move a whole bunch of paragraph to the top part to be my opening introduction..i accidentally deleted all the photos..damn! Why can't blogger have the "undo" function?????
I saw this the first time I reached kampar. Looks familiar? Hah! I guess you all should know the similarlities in the name of the famous fast-food (fried chicken) and this new restaurant. Quite innovative, right? Was thinking of having my own fast-food restaurant... ... How about CFC...Clement's Fried Chicken, Finger Licking Fabulous...

Thursday, February 21, 2008
The effect of stress is... ... W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L~
This kid's really a game freak. I mean ordinary game freak will just crave for games in a normal way but this kid is just plain crazy. Well, I won't tell you much coz I don't want to be a spoiler. You'll just have to sit back and enjoy watching this clip.
On second thought, I won't call this relaxing..It's rather annoying and...stressful to watch.
Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Moo~~~care to feed me some grass? Or else I'll sh*t anywhere I like! Moo~~~mOooOoOoOoo~~"
Hmm..It's not that bad living in a small town like this really. I'm just short of entertainment these days. No internet, no television, no my baby (PS2), no money....Argh! But..., I'm still able to survive the harsh days without going crazy thanks to my bunch of crazy friends.
seriously can't live without them~~~
About school life, nothing change much. Just a bunch of new lecturers and new friends and some old friends from my previous Petaling Jaya UTAR campus. Lotsa trees and lakes surrounding the new campus. It's rather conducive for students like us to study. Future TESCO (a shopping mall) opening soon but I can't even see the poles sticking out. Sighs, there's still a long way to go...Right now, I'm counting on the old grocery stores to provide sufficient food and drinks to sustain my life span in Kampar. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to shed some pounds off my jelly-ish body to look "physically acceptable"by the girls -__-""